Picking up from the previous article, there are some changes we need to make to the linked subreport we just created.
From the Design tab right-click on the subreport and select Edit Subreport. This will open the subreport on a new tab (to the right of the Design and Preview tabs).

Just like the first subreport we created the Print Date field was added by default. This time, instead deleting the field we will just hide the Report Header sections (right-click on the Report Header text and select Hide). This will also hide the field headers that were added when we added the Constituent ID and Phone Number fields in the Subreport Wizard.
If you previewed the report at the end of the previous article it probably included duplicate phone numbers and emails. To fix this we need to group our subreport by the Phone Number field.
Click on the Group Expert button (or the Report menu then select Group Expert). Double-click on the Phone Number field to move it to the Group By window. Click the OK button to return to the subreport preview.

On the subreport preview right-click on the Details, Group Footer and Report Footer sections and hide them. Also remove the bold format from the Group #1 Name field.

Return to the main report’s Preview tab to see the results of our hard work. Our example from earlier now shows four phone numbers and email addresses, without causing duplicate gift rows.

As I mentioned earlier, keep subreports in mind if you have duplicate records on your report. It’s usually the answer to removing the duplicates.