Picking up from the previous article, there are some changes we need to make to the linked subreport we just created.
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Subreports 2.1
In the previous article we determined that we needed to use a subreport to add phone numbers and email addresses to our report.
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Now that we have the phone fields we need in our data file, all we have to do is place the fields on our report, right? Well, let’s give it a try and see what happens.
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We interrupt the scheduled subreport programming to bring you this important message about adding more fields to your export and report.
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Picking up from the last article we are ready to build our subreport.

Again, building a subreport is just like building a report. I’ll go quickly through the steps since most of it has been covered in previous articles (links the the corresponding articles are included below). One difference is that we will only want to see the summary rows and not the details.
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